Mindfulness is a form of meditation that is recommended to people who suffer from anxiety and stress. Mindfulness can help you live in the moment, let go of negative emotions, and get in touch with yourself and your emotions in a positive manner. When you practice mindfulness on a daily basis, you’ll find that your […]
Sober Living Today! Blog
Getting clean is a challenge, but once you’ve gotten through the detox and the first few months of recovery, you may wonder what else there is. Meetings and support groups are a great way to get out your feelings and learn more about yourself. But you can’t spend 24 hours a day working on yourself. […]
Develop a plan to protect your sobriety ahead of any holiday event and activity that could potentially trigger relapse to substance abuse. This may mean going to a Twelve Step meeting before or after the event, attending the festivities with your sponsor or a sober friend, or making sure you can leave the gathering at […]
At Sober Living Today We offer a Breath workshop every week and it has amazing results of energy shifts and relaxation. We know there is more to this work, some teachers claim that it helps to resolve addictions! We are excited to offer this in addition to the many tools of wellbeing that our sober […]
Goat yoga is becoming more popular and an experience you may not want to miss! Sober Living Today is planning a retreat this weekend with Yoga Bloom Wellness. We will have the opportunity to sign up for a class with the Bear Valley Farm to be among the goats while we practice mindfulness and gentle […]
Many people seemingly get beat up by alcohol and drugs during the holiday, AA meetings get flooded with new faces of despair. What happens after the new year? That is a good question, some get sober but unfortunately many don’t. The chances of someone staying sober and continuing to live in the same environment in […]